Tuesday, March 4, 2008

To my fellow bloggers in distress

I have had the pleasure of reading several daily blogs from friends of mine who are also trying to get healthy and document that journey through their blogs. Two of them are going through a rough patch right now, and I'm hoping my blog today can motivate them, the way they have always been helpful in motiviating me.

Here are some inspirational quotes from your blogs, that have helped me thus far:

"The only person who can stop me is me--and I can take her!"

"Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits."


"Keep going! That's what I want to stress for anyone who is struggling. Keep going! Weight loss success takes behavior/lifestyle changes, eating less, and moving more. Stop dieting, start living."

"There are no activity points in beating yourself up." (WW Reference)

"Success is the result of good habits repeated day in and day out."

"Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it or work around it."

"Every morning prepare your mind for battle and know you CAN win because YOU are in charge of who wins the war."

My favorite: "Success is getting up one more time than you fall."

****The above quotes are Kittyism's. *****

*****Below are TJism's - a different kind of motivation ;-)****

"I anticipate some hard times ahead for me, but I do know I have to do this or I am going to die a painful death while I grasp for air."

"I am determined to succeed this time, and am focused on being as honest as I can be on this blog. I actually feel better and feel healthier while I am not smoking."

"While showering I thought about the fact that I could easily smoke one of these bad boys and nobody would be the wiser, and then put the patch on and continue on my journey of "living past the age of 42". I must tell you I am very proud of myself. "

"A comedian once said, Remember, smoking doesn't kill people. People who are trying to quit smoking kill people. This may be true. This morning a pushy woman cut me in line at Dunkin Donuts and I fantasized about reaching behind the counter for a dull plastic knife and repeatedly stabbing her. I think my shear exhaustion is the only thing that kept her alive." (Okay, that's not motivational, but it sure is funny.)

" I know I have to find the strength and resolve within myself to fight the good fight, and hope that this time, I have the right tools in place to help me with my success."

"Yesterday was my birthday, and I did think that a cigarette might be a secret little gift I give myself. Then I decided this year I would give myself the gift of non-smoking. It wasn't as fun, and if I had a gift receipt I might have returned it."

Dear friends - these are your words - words that have helped me, and hopefully words that will once again help you. I am here for you, and I wish you the best in your quest for health. You ARE worth it.



Kitty said...

Hmmm...those words do sound familiar : ) Thanks Kristen! I needed that. We're "not allowed" to use the internet at work, even during lunch, but I'm doing it anyway. I wanted to read some blogging and find some inspiration. I found it...and reading the same words I wrote felt empowering. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Kristen said...

You are so very welcome, and THANK YOU!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey kid:

Thanks for the shout out. After my work out last night I threw away my cigarettes again, and relaxed by slapping on a transdermal nicotine patch. They don't taste as good, but I also don't need an ashtray with one of these.