Saturday, March 29, 2008

Awesome, I'm gaining!


Okay, yesterday I was very good. I ate my dinner by 6, and that was the last thing I ate for the day. I only ate 660 calories yesterday. For the past few days, I'm averaging between 600-700 calories per day, and I'm lifting more weights than usual, and I'm gaining. I don't think I'm eating enough, especially considering the weights I'm lifting. I think my body is squirreling away the calories because of my workouts...just a thought.

I'm supposed to be at about 1000 calories per day. 1200 is fine as well, and 800 is fine, but 1000 should be the average, according to my MD. Today I'm going to plan to get in 1000 calories. It may not make a difference because I'm still going up on weights. I know this problem will resolve itself as soon as my body adjusts to the new lifting levels, and my new muscle begins to tear through my fat.

If I didn't have a fill scheduled for this Tuesday, I wouldn't care about the number on the scale, but I want my MD to know how much I've lost. As of today, I was up 5 lbs from my lowest! 3 lbs fluctuation can be water weight, but more than that is real pounds.

Today is going to be a busy day: we are doing a much needed thorough cleaning of the house, working out, going out to breakfast, paying bills, catching up on some work, grocery shopping, and having Tracey over later tonight. We are also having friends over for a cook out tomorrow, so we need to prepare for that as well. I should probably get crack-a-lackin'!


Alison... said...

eat more!

give your body a spike and you will have a loss.

Anonymous said...

No pressure zone here. It is coming off just as it should be. You are doing awesome.