Friday, March 7, 2008

Coming out of the closet

I am really at a loss of business attire at this point. I bought one pair of pants at Walmart to hold me over, and they were tight when I bought them (2 weeks ago), and they are close to getting loose. I have very few pants left in my rotation, and I am so hesitant to spend money on clothing that isn't going to fit for very long.

Yesterday, it occurred to me that Darcy may have some suits in her closet that may fit me! Apparently that is not quite the case, but we are close to that point. I would say I'm about 15 lbs away from fitting into a bunch of suits that she has, which is fantastic because that should hold me over another 30-40 lbs, and then I can worry about work clothing.

For some reason, even though she's 7 inches shorter than me, the length of the pants seem to be fine.


1 comment:

Alison... said...

that's great that there are suits just waiting for you to wear. You couldn't ask for a better plan...

you'll be at the 100 mark before you know it