Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A day in the life

Now that I'm 85% back to normal from my sickness, and I'm back to work, I thought I'd give you insight into an average (although I rarely have average days) day for me, in regards to the foods I eat, water I drink, exercise, etc....

I am still requiring more sleep because I'm still on the mend:

7:00 - Got up, showered, dressed, packed my gym clothes + iPod, took thyroid medicine
7:40 - Packed breakfast, snack and dinner (going out for lunch, and have support group tonight, so I needed to bring dinner)
7:45 - left for work
8:20 - arrived at work, drank 20 oz of water
9:00 - Ate Fiber One breakfast bar
9:30 - Took vitamins + iron
10:00 - drank another 20 oz of water
11:00 - 20 oz of water
12:00 - working lunch (Indian food! - chicken saag)
2:00 - banana
3:00 - 20 oz of water
4:30 - leave work
5:00 - Work out at gym (lower body + abs)
6:00 - eat dinner, get ready for Lap Band Support Group, take iron and calcium with D (again)
6:30 - 2 hr support group in Medford (bring water to drink during meeting)
8:30 - drive home to NH
9:30 - arrive home, do another 30 mins of work, perhaps a little homework as well
10:30 or 11:00 - bed

Today I will consume 919 calories, 24 grams of fiber, 20 grams of fat, and 43 grams of protein, which is on the low end for me. I'm usually between 60-90 grams of protein per day. I will also drink 100 oz of water.


Alison... said...

You packed a dinner? I was going to suggest picking up sushi but I suppose there is no time for that!


Anonymous said...

Wow! that is dedication. I am not surprised, you attack this like everything in your life. So proud of you. Your commitment is inspiring to me.

lanie said...

I was so exausted after reading about your "average" day, I had to take a nap(before bed!):) Your energy and dedication are amazing...i wish it could be bottled and spread around. Actually, it is very inspiring and i am going to make the necessary changes in my life to be healthier as well. Thanks for sharing all of this with us!