Tuesday, June 9, 2009

WW Sensible Fresh foods

Weight Watchers has a new line of "fresh" foods that are prepared meals that aren't frozen. They are available at select Hannaford and Kroger stores. I picked up a few the other day, and I tried the macaroni and cheese for lunch today. It was atrocious. It has just as much sodium as the frozen option, but it would have needed half a salt shaker of salt to somehow fix the taste.

I choked down as much as I could with some chicken, but it was nasty. The "cheese" was broken down into chalky granules, bearing no resemblance to food whatsoever.

Save yourself some money - DON'T buy this item. :) I'll keep you posted on the other meal I purchased when I try it later this week.


Alison... said...

If you think it was atrocious, I can't imagine what I would think - oy vey.

I'll cross these off my list.

Anonymous said...

I love the way you are still going to try the other one.

Always the optimist.