Sunday, June 21, 2009


We went to Shoney's for breakfast. It's kind of like a Bickford's/Denny's type it's classy. ;-) They had a breakfast buffet, which I glanced at and thought I saw lots of healthy things, and I proceeded to order the buffet for my breakfast.

I started off with the salad above - a very optimistic serving. I covered it in fat free ranch dressing because I've been getting a lot of things stuck lately (PMS does that too - bloat related - fun!), and I detest fat free ranch. They had the Kraft kind, and I'm quite sure it's the absolute worst. I drizzled a little Balsamic Vinaigrette on top to try to mask the flavor, but no such luck.

I only made it through a few bites. Next up, I had melon, half a pear and some eggs. The eggs were *drowning* in butter. I had a few bites, but I couldn't bring myself to consume the butter/egg soup. Determined to get some lean protein in, I found a bit of rice, and I combined some ham chunks from the salad bar, and some melted cheese to get it down. It wasn't bad.

I ordered a lime grilled chicken sandwich on a ciabatta roll at the airport yesterday. It was actually delicious, but I couldn't get it down to save my life. I got so sick - I had to run to the bathroom. I'm a wonderful dinner companion if anyone is interested. :)

So I skipped lunch, but I had a low fat cereal bar that I had brought with me. By dinner time, I was starving. It was 9PM EST, and I had a feast...for me. LOL - I had a slice of bread with herb butter, 5 oz of prime rib, a salad, and about 3/4 cup of mashed potatoes. I was at 1500 calories for the day yesterday, thanks to my big dinner.

Oh well. I needed it. I'm going to go swim off some of the calories in the pool and see if there is a scale in the fitness center.


Alison... said...

Oh my gosh... you may lose weight after all if you keep experiencing what you've experienced so far - eek.

Anonymous said...

Dinner sounded good, the rest not so much. Good job eating right