Saturday, June 20, 2009

And here we go again...

I never really noticed PMS when I was heavier. I think it's because I always ate whatever I wanted - I never noticed that STARVING feeling that comes for a few days or a week (or more!) every month. I never noticed the bloat either - I was too big to notice!

Now, every month like clockwork, I gain 6-10 lbs of water weight, and I get HUNGRY. Sometimes I try to ignore the hunger and stay on track, but often that makes matters worse and I end up eating junk.

This month, I decided if I feel hungry, I'll eat until I'm full, but I need to make sure it's all healthy. I did that yesterday, and I ended up consuming 1600 calories. Not terrible, but 400 over where I want to be.

Today I was up 3 lbs from yesterday. I don't know if it's the food or the bloat, or a somewhat salty dinner I had, but it's not fun.

I'm hoping this doesn't last long, because I don't want to be out at restaurants with my starving self while I'm traveling. It's not a good mix! :)


Alison... said...

PMS sucks and it is much harder to deal with when watching what we eat -

fo sho

Anonymous said...

Maybe I will try that excuse. Would anyone believe I have had PMS for 3 yeasrs straight??