Thursday, September 20, 2007

The scale is not moving...

I have only lost one lb since Saturday. That was five days ago. Today I am going to have a meal to spike my metabolism, let's hope! I don't know what I want. I would not mind sticking to the instant breakfasts and soup if I was still losing weight, but I am hoping that one meal will be enough to trick my system into high gear. It turns out that I have been eating too few calories.

First of all, I have only been having 3 or 4 shakes/day instead of the five I am supposed to have, *and* I was supposed to be using 1% milk (or 2%), and not fat free. I'm not sure how I messed that up. Also, if I am working out, I should be having 200-300 calories more per day than I have been having.

So I should have been eating about 1200 calories/day, but I have actually been eating 500-650ish. It is no wonder I have stopped losing weight.

I had eight (yes 8!) tubes of blood drawn yesterday in my pre-op testing. Do they realize the diet they have me on? I was exHAUSted by the time I arrived at home last night. I did not make it to the gym, unfortunately, however, I probably would have collapsed if I did.

Goal for today: 45 mins cardio + 30 minutes of strength training

Another item of note: although I have not been losing weight, I keep fitting into clothes that I did not fit into even last week, so it's like I am losing inches but not weight. Weird.

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