Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Raising the Steaks

I spoke with my nutritionist and my PCP yesterday, regarding my apparently alarmingly low hemoglobin levels. I am not getting enough iron in my diet, and all of the fiber from the shakes blocks my body's ability to absorb the iron I am getting. That doesn't sound like good news, but it was! I got to have steak for dinner!

It was deeeeeeeeeelicious. I had been saving these really great steaks that Alison bought us in July for the right moment, and that was it! I seasoned them with Billy's Canadian seasoning, and slow cooked them on the grill. They were mouthwatering. I had five. Just kidding. I had one. I thought I wouldn't be able to finish it, but I was!

That's the good news. They not so good news is that my PCP does not want me to move forward with the surgery while I am so anemic. I appreciate her concern, but I'm hoping that by taking iron supplements twice/day and eating iron rich foods, I can quickly raise my levels. I don't know how quickly these levels can be raised, but I'm pretty sure I will soon find out.

My PCP wants to talk to the surgeon about her concerns after I meet with him today.

I will keep you posted.

Blogya lata.

PS - I am down another lb today. Steak really IS good for me! ;-)
That's 32 total...for now!

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