Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I should slap myself

I'm completely stuffed from my shake this morning. That's ridiculous; hence, the slapping... I did not weigh in this morning, as I was feeling bloated, and I didn't want to start my day off with disappoinment, so I am going to wait until tomorrow.

I was at Billy's all night last night, as he buried his Mother yesterday. :( Everyone kept offering me food and telling me I was a hero. Oh yes...a hero. I stuffed my face until I needed a surgical remedy - what amazing will power. ;-)

Now I'm not being hard on myself, and I *really* appreciate all of the support and encouragement everyone is giving me. I know this liquid diet is very hard work, BUT, while normal people exercise self control all the time, I did not, and that is why I am in this situation. I think too often, fat people look for excuses for their weight problems, and the excuses, whether valid or not, only help them rationalize their behavior. If I want to make a serious life change, I need to be open and honest with myself about these things. That will be the cornerstone to my success.

Goal for today: Go to the gym!!!

PS - I wore a pair of pants last night that I bought 18 mos ago that never fit me until last night. They were 3 sizes smaller than what I was wearing last week. Weird and cool.

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