Thursday, September 27, 2007

Project Greenlight

All systems are a go! I met with the anesthesiologist and the surgeon yesterday. They are not worried about the anemia interfering with the surgery in the slightest. They said they have done this surgery many times to women who were anemic, and it's common in my age range. Also, they have a few other options with the anesthesia in light of my newly found "condition," so as long as they know, we are all set.

I signed on the dotted line that I knew what I was getting into, and that I know I need to attend meetings, and go for follow up appointments, and I know what to eat, etc..., so we are done! All I need to do now is show up at 9:00 AM next Wednesday.

Wow. It's just 6 days away now, and I have a feeling they are going to go very fast!

Talk about the home stretch.

I have been considering this surgery for five years, and the whole process is so lengthy, it's surreal that the time is actually arriving. I am very excited, and slightly nervous, but not concerned nervous...just excited nervous.

Also, I have been working out of my office at Panera Bread today, and I had too much diet coke and I have the jitters from it. How funny.

I can't believe I broke my caffeine/diet coke addiction! I'm down to one diet iced tea/day now, and that only has 36 mg of caffeine. I read yesterday that you need at least 100 mgs of caffeine per day to be addicted.

I did the BMI calculator again today. My body mass index is 5 points lower than it was at the beginning of the month! That is good news too.

Happy Birthday to me! This is going to be a GREAT year!

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