Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Nutritionist Update

I met with the nutritionist today. She said for the amount I'm working out, I'm taking in way too few calories. She wants me to add a chicken breast to my daily menu. Great!

Right after my appointment, I rushed to Fresh City to have a salad with chicken and fat free dressing. It was 'eh.' The chicken was blander than bland, and the dressing was okay, but I feel GREAT after having that protein blast! I could only eat about a third of the salad (because I'm so skinny now - haha), but I made sure to eat at least two thirds of the chicken.

Next stop: pre-op testing. (see: boooooring)

It can't be any worse than the nerve testing I had this morning, though! After 30 minutes of electric shock sent through every nerve in my hand and arm, the doctor stuck needles into my nerves and muscles, and moved the needles all around while I flexed, then relaxed, to see what would happen. That was a bit torturous. He says I have abnormally large muscles.

Why, thank you! ;-)

I definitely have ulnar tunnel syndrome and most likely carpal tunnel syndrome as well, but he also thinks there may be some damage to the muscles perhaps, which is ultimately causing the intense pain - since it's a combination of both. I believe that's what I predicted two months ago. Truly, I just need the white coat. I'm THAT close to being a doctor. In fact, I'm pretty sure I could perform the lap band procedure if I just want the video 2 or 3 more times. heheh...

Okay, off to the MD...again!

Tonight: Hampshire Hills - get a piece of oomf, D!



1 comment:

Alison said...

So glad that you can have actual food! yay! Can't wait to take you out for a nice quality meal for your birthday -

Keep up the good work