Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Day Two

I lost 12 lbs my first day. That doesn't even seem possible, but when I think about how bloated I probably was after the long weekend, I guess it makes sense! Either way, I'm 1 lb away from weighing what I weighed when I started this process in May. Phew!

Overall, yesterday wasn't that bad. It was like any first day of a diet. When I ate, I was filled for a while, but then I felt starving between meals. I'm sure by the end of week one, I will be used to it.

Today may be a little tricky because, as usual, I'm on the road quite a bit. It is going to be a challenge sticking to a very strict/specific meal plan when I never know what office I will be working in or what house I will be staying in, but that is the life I have chosen! :)

I'm going to be on the road from 10:30 - 11:30 today and I have a meeting from 11:30 - 4:00. They will be serving lunch, but I'm guessing Healthy Choice vegetable soup or sugar free Carnation instant breakfast will not be on the menu. I know of a microwave I can stop by on my way to my meeting to heat up my soup, and then I can bring a piece of fruit to the meeting to have at a break, I imagine. This is going to require a large amount of planning!

I won't weight myself again until Friday or Saturday, but I'm hoping for five more by then. We'll see!


Alifun1122 said...

12 pounds in 1 day? Even the fat lady at the circus wouldn't have lost that after 1 day on a liquid diet -


I told you that you would be at goal by surgery day - stoop

Darcy said...

Yay! I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn't actually seen it for myself. I could totally tell you lost more than a few pounds last night. You thought I was kidding! : ) XO