Thursday, September 6, 2007

El día Tres

2 days down, 26 to go. I was thinking of finding an OA meeting last night...and not because I was struggling with the liquid diet, but rather I just wanted to find something to do! I would like to replace the times I eat and relax with exercise and fun stuff, but eating less than 500 calories/day is kind of making me a bit tired by the end of the day.

I'm hoping that my body is just adjusting to the drastic shock of what I am now eating and will bounce back as soon as I find my groove.

Tonight is Thursday...I probably won't get home until 7:30 or 8, so I have no need to make plans tonight - I'll be in bed by 9!

So far I haven't experienced any major temptations, but again, it's only day three. Yesterday, I looked forward to my bouillon all day, and when I finally had it, it was the best thing I had ever tasted...or at least it seemed! I was home alone, but I couldn't help myself from audibly saying "mmmmmmm!" because it was so nice to have a tiny bit of flavor/sodium. :)

Weigh in tomorrow AM. Let's hope for five more!

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