Friday, January 30, 2009

Starvin like Marvin

(Hey You Guys - - it's Starvin Marvin from South Park!)

Wow, today is like my first day on a diet. I've been hungry between meals and everything. This is a phenomenon for me. I think my appetite grew this past week...either that or it's hormonal...or BOTH!

I can't remember the last time I felt this way. I ate a perfectly normal amount of food. I had a cup of cereal with milk for breakfast, with half a banana, a grapefruit for snack, 3 english muffin pizzas with 3 celery stalks for lunch, 4 celery stalks for snack, 2 lean low fat taco's for dinner, and a sugar free popsicle. All in all, I had 1,124 calories, 26 grams of fat, 67 grams of protein, and 21 grams of fiber. Also, thanks to my well balanced diet, I was well over the recommended daily intake for almost all my vitamins and nutrients. I was at 125% RDI for calcium and 137% for iron, both of which I need to be mindful of.

I'm very pleased with day one's results, and I'm looking forward to weighing in tomorrow morning.

Tonight we went to the movies, and we saw Slumdog Millionaire. I really enjoyed it, and I didn't think I would. I thought it was going to be one of these award movies that was nominated for awards just because it was different, and that may be part of the phenomenon, but I truly enjoyed it, and not because I think it makes me smart to say so. You don't have to be smart at all to like this film! It's perfect for me! :)

I avoided my beloved movie theater popcorn, and I didn't even want any of it when my friends got some. I love the feeling of being on track. I know it's not always going to be easy to pass up, and that is okay, but during the getting back on track phase, there is no room for error. Once I'm cruising along again, then I will have planned meals or snacks that aren't ideal, but it's the reality of a healthy long term eating habit.

I'm still getting better, and I still need more sleep than usual, so I'm going to bed at 9:30 on a Friday night. My stomach is growling (the large diet coke didn't help that), and I'm looking forward to going to bed so that I can wake up and have breakfast! LOL

Sweet dreams.


Alison... said...

Sorry you're so hungry. Are you due for a fill any time soon? The good thing about you experiencing this hunger is that I am now convinced that the lap band really works... Let me explain... you tend to 'sunny coat' things a lot and I was partially convinced that you weren't always as full as you said after your sugery. I thought it was that part of it was that you were full [right after a meal] but then throughout the day you were hungry and had to have will power like the rest of us... but now that you're hungry and have maybe stretched out your stomach a little, I think you were not exagerating.

Oh ya and glad you liked the movie, I have heard nothing but good things about it from people with vastly different tastes in movies. I can't wait to see it.

Kristen said...

I'm about 4 months overdue for a fill...I don't know why I'm procrastinating about it...I guess I'm just curious...

I'm going to see how it goes over the next few days, and if I'm still hungry, I'll get a fill for sure. If I go back to easily eating 1000-1200 calories comfortably, I'll wait.

Anonymous said...

Go get the fill it is a tool that helps yiou