Friday, January 16, 2009

So far so good

I'm on day five (ish) of my vacation, and I've been on track with my calories. I've been around 900-1200/day except for one day when I hit 1550. I'm supposed to be at 1500 according to my trainer, but I haven't been working out because my back is still so sore, so I know I need to take it easy. I have been keeping active walking and swimming, so at least I'm not sedentary.

Every night we go out with our friends and they order greasy appetizers. I never eat any of it. If I wanted some and I planned for it, I would, but I just don't want any of it. I'm not around many of these friends very often, since they live in FL, and they are shocked by my resolve. I'm just taking it one meal at a time.

My friends around here all call me skinny which is funny because if you didn't know me when I was larger, you would certainly describe me as chubby at least. But I'll take skinny. I know why they say it, and it's very cute. I can't wait until I actually am thin. That will be amazing.


Anonymous said...

Way to stick to your caloric intake plan!! You never cease to amaze me. Most people would falter on their vacation...GOOD for you!

You are well on your way to being skinny

Alison... said...

You have been very very good about not being naughty about eating bad stuff...

good job!

and you are skinny!!!!!