I blame DVR for my downfall. When shows were on when they were on, and taping them involved buying a VCR tape, and the hassle of scheduling a show to record, which never seemed to be something that was 100% reliable, I saw shows when I saw them. I can't think of any shows that I was really devoted to in recent years...until the advent of the DVR.
Suddenly, I saw a show I liked, clicked the Orange R circle twice, and voila, now that show would be taped for me every time it was on, and I could watch it at my own convenience...AND I didn't even have to watch any commercials! I went from being a loyal viewer of exactly zero TV shows to a ridiculous 20 in about 2 years. 20 shows = 20 hours of TV watching each week. I'm guessing at the 20, and some of the shows are seasonal, so let's keep my estimate in check. Here are the current shows I watch every week:
- CSI Miami
- CSI Las Vegas
- CSI New York
- Law & Order
- Law & Order SVU
- Law & Order Criminal Intent (re-runs)
- Without a Trace
- Cold Case
- The Mentalist
- Criminal Minds
- Numb3rs
- How I met your Mother
- Big Bang Theory
- 2 1/2 Men
- Old Adventures of New Christine
- The Office
- 30 Rock
- My Name is Earl
- Grey's Anatomy
- Ugly Betty
- House
- L Word
- United States of Tara
- Secret Diary of a Call Girl
- Whatever, Martha!
- Ellen
- Burn Notice (New addition - I don't even like it)
- Lost
Okay, so 20 was an UNDERestimate...plus, I'm sure I missed some. I know I'm busy, yet I still find time for the TV...Also, just because a show is only listed once, doesn't mean I only watch one/week. Many of them are syndicated, so I see up to 5 episodes (or maybe more) each week.
I can admit when I have a problem. :) I got sucked in. DVR enabled me to commit to shows on my own time, so I could watch them whenever I wanted, and it took up less time w/o having to watch all the commercials. 20 hours of regular TV viewing is 15 hours without commercials. Often at night, after working a long day, I only have it in me to flop in front of the TV and let my brain turn to mush. It's often a welcome change, and just what I need to shut off my brain before going to bed.
I'm so sick of most of the TV shows on that list. I was going through quite a crime show trend for the past 2 years, as you can see. They are all the same, and now I just need to watch the first 2 minutes of a show to know exactly how it unfolds. This is not because I'm a junior detective, but rather at some point (a point I've clearly reached), the writers run out of new formulas, and just recycle the old ones over and over and over.
I've watched TV more now that I'm home more. If I want to take a break from a project, I turn the TV on. If I'm working on something mindless, I put the TV on. When I'm done working...you get the idea...
I don't think the TV is bringing any good into my life at this point, and I want to cleanse my daily routine of any reliance upon TV. Darcy and I have decided we aren't going to watch any TV starting today, and through the end of the work week. I'm reading 3 books right now, and I bet I will finally finish them this week!
With nothing to do at night, I think working out together will be more appealing, and hopefully our need to fill the TV void will lead to a well organized, tidy, sparkling home. That would be wonderful. If all that happens, I'll probably throw the thing out!
I have to keep a closer watch on the things in my life that are counteractive to a healthy lifestyle. Watching too much TV is probably the biggest one, but it's just one of many, I'm sure. I think the next stop will be addressing my procrastination. Thankfully, I'll have fewer reasons to put anything off for later without a remote in my hand!
I was so sick of TV last night, that I went to bed at 8:30 and read. Reading makes my eyes tired, so I tried to go to sleep at 9PM. I can't pull that off. I usually go to bed around midnight...11 at the very earliest. I had a strange night's sleep as a result, and I've been up since 3. I tried to fall asleep for a while, but it didn't work, so I updated my budget for the next 2 years (nerd!), and now that my blog is done, I'm going to start working.
Have a lovely day, and turn that TV off! ;-)
Watching too much TV isn't good for sure but no TV M-F? Yikes!
That is extreeme, especially for Darcy's who's not working.
Your house will surely be sparkling though!
I agree with Alison, there may be a happy medium there. You certainly are strict with the way you are raising "The Darc".
I just mean for this week. I don't mean forever. I want to try it out and see how it goes. If we can't make it M-F for one week without TV, that's pretty bad. I do realize my two commenters are quite the TV fans, though, so I can see why this sounds so unorthodox. LOL
I can't wait for the house to SPARKLE!!
I am right there with ya! Except that it's Brett that does too much TV watching and me that complains about it...to him...with frequency! although I guess the one big difference is that at least you have a diverse portfolio of programs that you subscribe to...my husband simply watches ESPN. I know WAY too much about sports since marrying him, it's really not a good thing :)
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