Monday, February 16, 2009

Once again...

For some reason, I'm feeling sick again. I wonder if there is something in my house that is making me have a weakened immune system. Perhaps I'm watching too many episodes of House, and that's got me thinking...which is rarely a good thing.

Today I appear to have a touch of a stomach flu. Of course, in my crazy little wanting to lose weight head, I always think - Yay! I'll be down a few lbs tomorrow from being sick today! Only someone who has truly lost it gets excited having the stomach flu. LOL, I jest. I'm not excited about it...let's just say I'm embracing the silver lining.

Yesterday, we stayed in because neither one of us were feeling too great. I got almost a full day of work in, and Darcy made a very yummy home cooked meal - comfort food: roast beef with gravy, mashed potatoes, corn...not the healthiest of meals, but she made everything light, so we didn't do too much damage... :) I'm Irish, so meat and potatoes equals comfort food to me. There's just no getting around it. Italian food is comfort food to Darcy, and I just can't even imagine that, but then again, she's Italian!

I was down another lb this morning, so I am inching along in the right direction. My back is still quite problematic, and I may eventually go to the MD, but I'm 99.9% sure they will just tell me there's nothing they can do, and I just need to take it easy, so what's the point... I think I'm overdue for a hot tub visit!

Stay germ free!!


Alison... said...

Meat and potatoes will always be comfort food to me too...

Glad you're down a pound but sorry you're sick.

I get it about not minding [as much as the average person] when sick because of the weight loss thing... of course I didn't lose anything when I had the flu -

Oh well

Anonymous said...

You could be onto something with the house idea-they exposed lots of "stuff" that's probally not so good for you. Hope you're feeling better soon and it's nothing to serious!

Anonymous said...

Lanie is anonymous!

Kristen said...

Lanie - if you tell me your name, you are no longer anonymous! LOL ;-)

You can just type in a name where it says name too, if that's easier.

Thanks for the well wishes - I'm MUCH better today!!

Anonymous said...

You may need to get an air purifier.

Anonymous said...

I think the air purifier is a good idea. I hope you'll feel better soon!

I love the look of the blog. :-)