Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Everyone should get one

LOL - I love these things. Our friend Denis has one, and he let's me use it from time to time. It's SO fun! I took a 2 hour tour of the hospital this morning, and I was thinking how much I could use a segway! ;-) Actually, I was worried that the long tour would hurt my back, but it really didn't. I think being out sick yesterday gave my back an extra break from this office chair that's just been compounding my back issues, and so I was good to go for the long walk.

I remember the days when I used to plan my whole schedule around the least amount of walking possible...when a walk from one end of the campus to the other put me in excruciating pain... those days seem long ago, but I'm sure I won't forget them anytime soon. It was my lower back that bothered me then - from years of extra weight coupled with multiple injuries...my back was terrible, and now I can't remember the last time I had lower back pain. That's amazing, because that pain plagued me for years and years...almost a decade, I think. Wow.

Now the back pain I have is from a silly series of injuries, and I know that it won't be a problem for long. It's just not in a location that is prone to longterm issues, and if I can wait it out, I should be good to go soon. I think my 2 hour walk was a good test, and now I feel like I can start doing some other things to move more. I don't think that lifting weights is a good idea yet, but I think I'm ready to try hot "Bikram" yoga! I would like to bring another novice with me, but I just don't know anyone who would be willing to put themselves through that...I'm sure I can find someone!

I'm feeling a thousand times better today. My fever broke around 3PM yesterday, and I was just tired and drained the rest of the day. Today I feel perfectly fine, and I'm looking forward to exercising tonight. I may do some yoga at home to warm up to the concept of the 90 minute heated yoga session, especially since I haven't worked out in a little while!

Have a great day.


Alison... said...

You should probably see a doctor about your back, they may not be able to do anything for you besides give you pain meds but they may suggest exercises to help the back and what sort of chair is good.

You seem to get greater pain from office chairs so maybe your work can get you a chair that won't bother your back...

just sayin

Anonymous said...

I would possibly try it with you. How hard can it be...lol.