Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Just 3 points!

Darcy found this WW meal for me, and it's pretty good! I also love the fact that it only has 160 calories! Most WW meals are in the 250-350 range, so 160 is low. It was tasty too. All the ladies in the office were wondering what yummy treat I had. LOL

I told them it was a WW meal (yet again), and that I try not to eat them often because of the sodium and processed ingredients. One of them told me that at least it's better than a big mac. True. That it is. ;-)

I should probably call in my order for dinner soon...gotta give the Darce some notice. My choices are whole grain margarita pizza, turkey burgers, grilled chicken salad, pork chops or salmon. I'm torn. Cast your votes soon to have a say! (haha)


Anonymous said...

Pork Chops and apple sauce

Alison... said...

No clue why salmon is on the list since you don't like it...

I vote for grilled chicken salad.