Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Sweets were never a big draw for me. I did plenty of damage with salts and fats, BELIEVE ME, but at least there was one evil I was okay to shy away from.

I have met so many people who have told me how lucky I am that I'm not that into sweets. People even said that to me before I lost the weight. LOL - yes, I'm lucky. If I liked sweets, maybe I would have gotten fat! Oh wait, I did that. What?!

I'm down 3 more lbs today, and down 7 from 3 days ago, so now I have 75 more pesky lbs to go. Thankfully, I won't be giving into any sweet indulgences today!


Alison... said...

Happy Valentine's day and congrats on 3 more pounds lost, great work.

Carmen said...

Oh I so wish I could say the same goes for me! I LOVE everything sweet and have an exceptionally hard time shying away from it. We'll see how long it takes to get all the baby weight off this time around! Happy Valentine's Day!!!