Yuck! Darcy's birthday has been an indulgent few days for both of us. I've had WAY too much salt, and I have eaten my normal healthy foods. I feel absolutely disgusting.
We checked into the hotel yesterday, and it was supposed to be pet friendly, but they don't let you leave your pet in the room. So our plans to go out for a nice dinner and the concert (that I had tickets for) were kind of thrown out the window.
No problem - you just gotta go with the flow. We went for a walk downtown with Henry. He loved it, and he made lots of friends! When we got back to the hotel, there was a piano bar with hors devours, so we decided to put Henry in the room and go there for a bit. It was nice - overlooking the bay, big floor to ceiling windows, etc... We had nachos there because Darcy was really hungry.
We came back to the room and ordered room service for dinner. The food was actually fantastic. I couldn't believe it. We had chicken scallopine with wild mushroom risotto and grilled asparagus.
I had way too much salt and sodium yesterday, and we went to bed early because we were both so tired (I had been up since 4AM working), so I went to bed with a full stomach of rich foods. I woke up feeling bloated, fat, and completely sick to my stomach.
Her birthday is over (ish), so I want to get back into our routine. Also, I must be getting better if I was able to get up at 4AM yesterday and last until 10 at night! I got up at 7 today, and I wasn't tired - just FULL.
I think I'm going to take little Henry for a walk while Darcy sleeps. It will be good to get moving. I think today is the day I break out the kayak!!!
Sorry your plans were curtailed, but still sounds like you had fun. I am glad to see Henry has inherited your outgoing personality. Have a fun time if you kayak.
Wow, that dinner sounds fantastic!
Her birthday won't be over until 2009 is over - LOL.
Have a nice low cal, high water day and you'll feel better
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