Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I went kayaking today! It was absolutely wonderful to be out on the water again! I think the last time I went was September. My arms were not used to kayaking, and I got tired *much* quicker than my last trip, 7 months ago. I am looking forward to building my strength up again!

Brooke is coming over Thursday night, and we're going to go kayaking, and I'm going to grill out. It's just so much easier to live healthy in the nice weather!

I had a nice light breakfast of cereal with skim milk, and I had a steak tip salad for lunch. I felt much better, and I had lots of water. For some reason, I started feeling really tired and sick this afternoon, and I ended up having pizza for dinner.

Now I feel gross again. That was dumb. At least 2 healthy meals out of 3 is better than nothing! I'm going to clean out my system tomorrow. Even though we are going away this weekend, I'm not going to make bad food choices. I just don't like how I feel when I eat unhealthy food. It's a welcome change. :)


Anonymous said...

Eaing healthy is a challenge for all of us every day. You do better than most

Alison... said...

2 out of 3 meals is better than nothing healthy, you'll do better today.

Glad you were back kayaking!