Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Adjusting my expectations

I'm super sleepy still. I tried to go to bed at 10 last night, but it took me hours to fall asleep. My alarm was set for 6:30, but that was a laugh. I promptly shut it off (not even an attempt to snooze it) when it rang out this morning. I finally got out of bed at 8 AM, and I feel exhausted. I did not do yoga as soon as I woke up, as I had planned.

I didn't sleep well while I was in CA, and I'm still recovering from pneumonia, which just makes you tired and weak, so I need to readjust my expectations of myself. I thought yesterday could be my day to take it easy, and I could just hit the ground running today. Wrong.

I had big plans for yoga, the gym, getting a ton of work done, getting caught up on bills, cleaning, making plans to record a CD (yet another side project of my insanity), but I've quickly whittled that list down to work and going for a walk. If I have time for anything else, I'll do my bills.

I'm crossing my fingers hoping that by tomorrow, I'll have the energy to be on track with my schedule again. If I feel like this again, though, I will take it easy. I don't want to prolong this illness.

We are in desperate need of groceries. We were so tired yesterday and had nothing in the house, so we ordered in. I'm hoping Darcy will be feeling up to making a quick grocery store run today, to at least get us enough to last us for today.

All in all, I was up 3 lbs from my Saturday weigh in (and 5 from my low point right before I left), when I got home yesterday. I was down a lb from all that today, and I can tell I'm clearly bloated, and that the other 2-4 lbs will be gone in no time, and then more will follow.

I have my appointment tomorrow with my potential new lap band MD. I hope she agrees to take me on, because I know I'm overdue for a fill, and I just don't feel like going on a 5 hr trip to get one.

I'll let you know how it goes!


Alison... said...

I'm glad you're being sensible and taking things off your list for today... you're still sick and traveling is tiring so rest as much as you can today.

You're recording a CD?


Anonymous said...

Glad you are resting. You'll be yourself in no time