Monday, September 28, 2009

I'm 33 now, but I only feel like I'm ... 83!


Today is my first full day as a 33 year old. I feel much older today - probably because I'm so tired from all the excitement and travel over the weekend, combined with my allergies that are kicking my butt. :)

Today I'm scheduled to start my chemical free week, but I have to postpone that until tomorrow. We didn't have a chance to go to the store yet, plus we have a ton of leftovers from my birthday dinner, so tomorrow it is.

I'm hoping to end my 33rd year feeling like I'm 23, rather than 83. I have my work cut out for me. I want to be in the best shape of my life by the end of this year, and I'm ready to do the work to get there.

I wasted my 20's being so unhealthy, but my 30's are all about getting healthy again. So far I've made some really great changes, but I have more changes to go. This work is still in progress.

My first step toward a renewed health will be going to bed early tonight since I'm tired and having trouble with allergies. Sleep is extremely important, so I'm going to let myself get as much as I need.

Tomorrow - we will be chemical free.

This is going to be a great year!


Anonymous said...

I am glad you had a nice birthday weekend. I am sorry i didn't make it down.

I gotta be honest, this whole chemical free thing sounds like quite the hardship. I will be very proud of you if you can adhere to it.

Alison... said...

You look better and are healthier than you were at 23 so it's all good!