Monday, September 21, 2009

A chemical free you and me

I'm posing a challenge to you, dear readers. Starting next Monday, 9/28 through Sunday 10/4, I am going chemical free in regards to the foods and drinks I put in my body. I will only consume things that can be found in nature, not processed, not loaded up on antibiotics or pesticides, etc... I want to detox my system, and I'm curious to see how it feels, as well if I'll notice a change at all. I know it's better for me, but I'm wondering if a week is long enough to notice a difference.

I want to start small, so I'm starting with one week.

In Bible Study yesterday, we all went around and shared things we want to do to better be prepared to be a vessel for God's message. I said I want to be healthier, and more conscious about my body and the earth. I don't recycle as much as I should, I definitely waste more than I should, and I consume things I shouldn't. My body is a temple, and I'm a graffiti artist...and not a good one. ;-)

I've always said/known that in order to be healthy, you must be emotionally, physically and spiritually healthy. You cannot achieve one aspect without the others, because they are intrinsically linked.

I am emotionally healthy, and I'm working on being more spiritually healthy and more physically healthy so that I can reach my full potential and be an agent of peace and positive change in this world.

Being thin does not equate to being healthy. That's something I have had a hard time wrapping my head around, since thin has equaled healthy in my mind for decades. I can lose lots of weight, but rely upon chemicals and processed foods that could cause cancer or heart disease. That is not healthy.

I can't be fanatical, but I want to be as responsible as possible. I'm going to try to minimize the risk to my body by trying not to consume foods that humankind has tampered with. I want to try to treat my body as the temple I was instructed to, and that means being physically fit as well.

So my challenge is this: does anyone want to join me in this chemical free week? I think we could learn a lot from each other, and I'd love for you to join me, but I'm happy to do it myself as well.

Let me know if you are up for the challenge!


Alison... said...

I'm up for the challenge!

Kristen said...

Right on!!!!

Anonymous said...

Gee I am not sure I could adhere to that since just about every morsel of food i put in my body is processed. Where do Frosted Flakes fall in this? It is my dinner 2 or 3 nights a week.

Kristen said...

TJ - I think your body would go into certain shock. LOL

But I think it would be an awesome experiment for you, and you just may pick up some good habits along the way! :)