Saturday, November 24, 2007


I have learned that even with my shiny new lap band, I am not immune to gaining weight over the holidays. ;O) I was up 4 lbs today! I had been so busy cooking and entertaining, that I had not entered my daily calories into I caught up on the past few days this morning, and I was averaging 1900 calories the past few days. Normally, if I did not have a lap band, that would be on the low end of what an adult female should eat in one day, so it's not a huge amount. However, when you compare that to the usual 1100 calories per day I had been eating (almost always unable to reach the 1500-1600 I'm supposed to), it's quite a spike!

At first I wondered how that was even possible, since on normal days, I have to struggle to even get to 1300, but I realized I didn't eat more food than usual, I just ate food that wasn't as healthy. I normally cook everything light, and for Thanksgiving, I didn't. So just eating the meal on Thanksgiving, and then leftovers all day yesterday, even in small quantities brought me to the high calorie realm and into a gain. I also think the gain is due to bloating, since I have had a lot more salt/sodium these past few days then I am used to.

I am not discouraged, and I am sure a few days of being back on track will not only allow me to drop these 4 lbs, but hopefully more as well!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!


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