Thursday, November 8, 2007

Not lovin' the liquids

I have to tell you, after a full month of a liquid diet (with a few delightful exceptions), and then another 2 weeks after surgery, going back to this liquid diet after my first fill is not really fun for me. I didn't mind the diet prior to surgery because I was so focused on being as healthy as possible for surgery, and I didn't mind the diet after surgery because I could hardly get anything down, but after my first fill, I don't really feel any restriction, so I'm sure I could eat something if I wanted to. If I have 5 instant breakfast shakes per day, as I am supposed to, that's 900 calories. I'd rather eat 600 calories of real food! Oh well, I know that in the future, when I do feel restriction, this liquid diet will be necessary. It's not hard for me to do or anything like that, because it's old hat for me, but it's just boring.

Enough of the whining...jeez... you're not reading this to hear me whine!

I'm down another lb to 58 lbs. 2 more lbs and I'll be at 60!

My nutritionist told me yesterday not to freak out when I change my diet to 1500-1600 calories per day, because I will probably go a few weeks without a loss since I've been eating so little, but in the end, it will help me lose faster and healthier. I know that's true, but it's going to be hard!

I think I'll work out even harder and longer to make up for it. We'll see.

Tonight we are going to Hampshire Hills with Steph and Carolyn, so that will be fun! I didn't get to work out yesterday, so I need to get to the gym today!

Have a great day, all!


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