Sunday, November 16, 2008

Time for a drink

I was reading my friend Kitty's blog yesterday, and she mentioned how she's going to try to continue to drink 100 oz water each day. I normally get in about 64 oz each day, but I haven't been giving it much thought in a long time. I normally only drink water or Crystal Light (which my MD and dietitian say is close enough), so everything I consume goes toward my water count.

This week has just been an off week in many respects. I can't work out, I haven't been making meals at home, and somehow I ran out of water, so I started drinking diet coke. I probably drank 2/3rd of a 2 liter bottle yesterday. Don't worry - I'm not going back to my old diet coke was just in the house, and I was exhausted, so I figured I should drink it.

Kitty's blog reminded me of the importance of water (thanks Kitty!), and so far it's 8:23 AM, and I've already had 48 oz. Good girl.

I have no idea what I weigh - I need a new battery for my scale. My weight spanned 20 lbs in range this AM, so yeah, it's not working. I didn't eat very well yesterday, but today is a new day. It's not that I'm in a funk with food - I just haven't made it the priority I should because I've had so much else going on.

On the upside, I did get a big chunk of a case study done for school yesterday, as well as putting together 4 collages of pictures, etc, of my grandmother, and I finally found centerpieces that I am going to make for the tables at the (whatever it's called) after the funeral tomorrow.

This morning, I got all of my homework done for art class, as well as some work, although I have more I need to do once I'm done blogging. Today we are going to set up the clubhouse room at my grandmother's elderly housing community so that it will be all set for us to go there tomorrow after the funeral. I still need to pick up a few things for that, and we are going to be doing some cooking as well. If we have free time tonight, we may go to the movies.

Tomorrow will be busy - I want to get to the clubhouse in the AM before the funeral to make sure everything is set up, and to drop off the food, ice, etc. We have the reception thing from 12-2, and I need to be at art class by 5:30. I would skip it, but I already missed three classes from being sick, so I'm pretty sure if I miss another, I'll have to retake the class. No thanks. My professor has been very understanding with me, and I appreciate it. She's actually meeting with me early on Monday night to review any information I missed from the past two classes.

I'm still disappointed that I can't work out, but in a few days, the dust will have settled in my life (I hope!), and I can get back to planning my meals, etc... In the mean time, I'm going to drink as much water as I can to flush out my system and hopefully help me lose weight, even though I'm stagnant.


Alison... said...

Yes, I need to get my water in too, I have been averaging about 32 oz - NOT ENOUGH.

Thanks for the reminder!

Kristen said...

no, not enough! :)

i did good today - how about you?

Anonymous said...

Still committed with everything you have going are very inspiring