(not my actual lip)
Something happened during surgery, and as a result, I have a fat lip on the left side of my mouth. I don't know if it was from the intubation or if I just bit my lip really hard during the procedure, but it's really annoying, and it's in the way. It kind of hurts too!
I've had plenty of popsicles and italian ice, but the swelling doesn't seem to be going down. I know it will eventually.
I'm feeling better each day. I'm tired and sore today, but I think I'm moving away from the pain meds onto advil unless that really doesn't work for me. I think it will be fine. I still have shoulder pain (from the gas that they pump you up with to do the surgery), but I think that has worked itself out mostly.
My stomach is sore, but that's going to be the case for a while. I'm sick of sleeping on my left side because my left hip is starting to ache. Hopefully I can sleep normally tonight.
I think I'm back to a regular diet as of today. I don't feel nauseous. I'm going to have cheerios with fruit and milk for breakfast, and I'm thinking of having grilled veggies with steak for lunch. I'll probably have left overs for dinner.
I'm completely bored of sitting around the house, so I think I'll go shopping at some point today to get some exercise in. It's good for me to be moving around, and I'm not going to rip anything open, Ali, I promise! I will take it very easy.
Bummer about your lip. Glad the rest of you is on the mend.
I understand wanting to get out of the house.
Thank God that's not your lip, that person's teeth are yellow!
I think that walking is OK as long as you don't over do it but multiple flights of stairs? Not recommended.
Believe me when I tell you that I have known a few people who ended up w/ scar tissue by over exerting too early after surgery, even minor surgery. I don't tell you to take it easy just to give me something to say...
I'm glad you're up and walking though, that's good.
and I can't believe you're so bored that you're thinking of going shopping - ick.
it's not minor surgery, it's major surgery, but i'm allowed to do stairs...i do talk to my md.
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