Friday, November 14, 2008

Fit Day

I haven't been that great about tracking my foods on fitday the past 2 weeks. Last week, I had my surgery, and that threw me for a loop, and this week has been a crazy week on its own. I last tracked my calories on Tuesday, but I got caught up this morning. I've been averaging between 1000 - 1200 calories per day this week, which isn't terrible since I've been eating out more than usual, which is to be expected...

I'm tired - I haven't been sleeping great, and I feel like I could use a big fat nap. I'm going to call my MD today to find out when I can return to working out. I'm bored of being a lump.

TJ was kind enough to loan me his iPod shuffle these past few months since I lost my iPod, but I just ordered another iPod online this week. I bought it used on Amazon, and I'm still hoping the one Darcy bought me will pop up.

It will be nice to have the video feature again so that I can watch TV and movies while I ride the boring exercise bike. I hope it arrives soon!

I just tried my surgeon's office, and he's off today. I'm calling my PCP to see what they think about me doing some very light lower body exercise, like a low speed on the exercise bike. I'm sure it will be fine. I'm not going to lift any weights, or anything...

Oh boy, I'm on hold with them now. They just told me I need to wait SIX weeks to exercise. Are you kidding me? They are double checking. They said I could do some light walking if I want, but I should wait at least 2 weeks from the surgery date to do that. Good thing I didn't go hiking with my Dad yesterday like we had talked about!

Six weeks seems a bit excessive. I'm hoping she has a different answer for me when she comes back on the line. She said that even an exercise bike could pull on the wounds, even going slow. What a bummer...okay...she just came back on the line and said that it's 4-6 weeks, and I should get clearance from the MD first even at that.

I'm destined to not lose weight for a little while, so that's just that. It's okay. I'm perfectly comfortable at my current weight (don't worry - not too comfortable), and I'll just continue to eat healthy and exercise as soon as I'm cleared!

If you can go to the gym, go! You'd miss it if you weren't able.


Anonymous said...

Even you have to follow the doctor's orders. Aren't you right on track for yoru caloric intake? I thought that was what you did?

Maybe you can't excercise, but you can always go shopping and buy fun excercise outfits so you feel like you are working out.

Alison... said...

Gee, 6 weeks before you're supposed to exercise yet you climbed 10 flights of stair less than 24 hours post-op...


At least you can do some walking, I know you think it's boring and un-challenging but it's still great exercise!