Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Dinner time

My dinner plan has changed since this morning. On my way to pick my Dad up from the airport, I learned that my grandmother went into cardiac arrest this morning, and she has been in a coma since. We don't know if she had brain damage as a result, or if she will recover. I just don't want her to be in pain...

It's been a sad and draining day, and I'm not feeling that great. I don't have it in me to cook, so we're ordering Chinese...not the best choice, I know - especially as I try to get rid of the last 2 lbs of my water weight! Oh well.

I've already figured out what I'm going to eat out of what I ordered, and I plugged it into fitday.com, and I'm within my calories for the day, so that is good at least. I'm not an emotional eater - I'm just a sick eater (I eat bad when I'm sick).

I left the hospital a little while ago, and my Dad is still there, so I'm hoping to hear an update soon.


Alison... said...

Of course you don't have it in you to cook!

ugh, what a terrible week it's been - I'm so sorry...

Alison... said...

BTW - Cool picture

just sayin

Anonymous said...

I have not stopped thinking about you the last 2 weeks. It has been an onslaught of bad news for you. I am sorry you are going through this. Anything you need and I am there.