Monday, January 28, 2008

The Gym

I probably shouldn't have worked out today. I have been sick with something - probably just a combination of allergies + cold, but when I work out, I feel feverish, and I can't breathe. At least today I brought (and used) my inhaler. I only did 30 mins of cardio, but when I was done, I was so lightheaded. I guess my asthma prevents enough oxygen from reaching my brain when I'm working out... I know that I'm not supposed to work out when I'm sick, but I've been sick since the beginning of December, except when I was on vacation... I can't keep missing the gym.

I should probably find out why I've been sick so much, but I already know the answer. I have bad allergies and seasonal asthma (from cold weather/also exercise induced), and allergies combined with germs equals bad colds, and I've had bronchitis probably 20 times in my life, so now I'm just prone to getting it, and it's a vicious cycle. The only answer here is that I must avoid the cold. I need to move south for health reasons during the winter. Does that count as a reasonable accommodation under the ADA? ;-)

Anyway, the gym was annoying because I didn't feel well, and I didn't have my iPod because I've seen everything on it, and I didn't have my DVD player, because I've seen every DVD I have, so I was biking away miserably, and I decided to visualize every increment of 10 lb losses between now and my goal weight. I must have looked pretty silly smiling away staring off into the distance riding the stationary bike, but it really made the time fly fast! I can't do that every day, but it is a neat trick if you ever get bored. I can remember what I looked like and felt like at all different sizes along the way, so it was very realistic for me.

My last gym thought actually came from my friend Brooke, though it's not a new concept. Brooke has been working out faithfully since I have known her. She has struggled with her weight, but she has kept it off for the past 2 years now, and I'm very proud of her. I know she has like another few lbs she's trying to lose, but I can't even relate to what that feels like - just wanting to lose a few lbs...what's the difference? I'm sure there is one; I'm just not aware of what it is.

Anyway, I was telling her how good she is about working out, and how impressed I am with her, and she said that to her, it's not a matter of being good about it or not. She has to work out...just like she has to go to work, and she has to do errands. It's not something that she feels she has a choice about - it's just a reality of life. I think that's how a lot of physically fit people think, and I need to find a way to hardwire that thinking into my brain. Although I hate cardio, I really don't mind working out as a rule. I know people who dislike it far more than I do, but I am not at the point where I feel it's something I have to do, like breathing.

When I figure out how to get to that point, I will let you know!



Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right, you need to re-train yourself to think like that. I look at working out, like it is part of my job. I don't technically feel like my work day is through until I hit they gym and finish my tasks. I check them off in my head like a virtual work "to do" list.

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