Monday, January 14, 2008

Holy Bloat

I didn't weigh myself the past two days, and I did this morning, and I was up six lbs! How annoying. I am averaging between 900 - 1000 calories per day, which is below the range of 1200 - 1400 that has been recommended, so I shouldn't be gaining weight.

Menu yesterday

Breakfast (I splurge on this meal once/week): two eggs, one piece of rye toast, one sausage link, a few small bites of hashbrowns
Total Calories (including butter on bread): 457

Lunch: 1/2 a turkey wrap on low carb wheat wrap with mustard, about 6 french fries
Total Calories: 209

Dinner: about 30 baby carrots and fage (yogurt) mixed with ranch dip (it's actually really good, and much more nutritious than sour cream)
Total Calories: 263

Total Calories for day: 929

I read that fiber can make you bloated and cause you to retain water. I probably drank at least 100 oz of water yesterday, so that should be plenty. I ate my dinner late (at 8) because I wasn't hungry, but I figured it would be okay since it was carrots and yogurt.

I can't figure it out, but I'm hoping it is a fluke and it will be gone by tomorrow, like the last time this happened to me.

Stay tuned.


PS - I know part of the problem is that it's not healthy to weight yourself every day, and once a week should be plenty, but I feel like it helps me stay accountable. I can't bury my head in the sand for days at a time.