Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy 4 month anniversary to me

I started this journey on September 4th, which was the beginning of my liquid diet. As of today, I'm down 75 lbs. 75 lbs in four months is a great start! I am now at the same point I was at 4 months ago - on my liquid diet. I was reading some of my older posts last night, and I came across one during my original liquid diet when I said that I thought I may be over food. As it turns out, that is not correct. ;-)

I was driving home from work last night fantasizing about food, and what I would have for dinner if I wasn't on a liquid diet. The difference is, I was fantasizing about a pork chop and green beans, and before, I would have been fantasizing about a PuPu Platter or Pizza Hut or anything that was ridiculously fattening and greasy. My desire for those foods is nearly gone now. I go out for Chinese food from time to time, but I always get some chicken dish with vegetables or sushi if they have Japanese cuisine as well. I will admit there have been a few times that I still wanted Pizza Hut, but if I want it that bad, I would have it -- it would probably make me sick because I'm not used to greasy foods at all anymore.

I used to actually like food that was prepared with a lot of grease, and now if I get something from a restaurant that's greasy, I find it to be disgusting. I know that's how most people feel, but I never understood that. I don't know why having a lap band would make me change my perception of foods, but perhaps it's because I'm just used to healthy eating now and it's become the norm for me. That is a good thing, Martha.

I'm not going to buy myself my 75 lb prize, which was a night in Boston - dinner, theater, top notch hotel, etc... I'm going on a lavish vacation in two weeks, and I just don't want to waste all that money right now. As I type this, however, I realize that I can still buy myself a 75lb prize, it just doesn't have to cost hundreds and hundreds of dollars. I am going to buy myself a new outfit or shoes or something. There.

Dear reader, today also marks the 4 month anniversary of my blog, so happy anniversary to you too!

Eat well.


PS. 3 days of liquids equals 9 shakes. I'm 5 down, with 4 to go. Go team.


Kitty said...

WOW...75! That is so awesome. Congrats!!

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