Thursday, January 3, 2008

I always heard liquid lunches are supposed to be fun? ;-)

Let me tell you, my lunch of Carnation Instant Breakfast was a hoot! Especially following my breakfast of same, and dinner last night of same. Three days of liquids. Broth, water, instant breakfast...that's really about it. I have one day down, two to go. I can't believe I have to do this every time I have a fill, and then follow it up by two days of mushies! That's okay. I'm not really bothered. I'm down 74 lbs because of this little gem, so I'll do what it takes, and I'll like it! :)

Last night, I couldn't stop thinking about food, and I know it was only because I wasn't allowed to eat anything. It's silliness. I'm just hoping I can lose this last lb to get to 75 at long last! I would love to drop another five before my trip in two weeks as well, but we shall see!

Shake shake shake
Shake shake shake
Shake your breakfast, shake your lunch
Shake shake shake
Shake shake shake
Shake your dinner, shake your sna-ack

K Shakin' C

1 comment:

Kitty said...

you can do it, you can do it, rah rah!!