Monday, January 21, 2008

Wins and losses

The Pats won! That's the good news.

The not so good news is that my sneaking suspicions were correct about the crazy scale here. For some reason, today I think it was correct. It has me at just about (or a little higher) than what I weighed at the beginning of my vacation (water weight included). Even though I have been making healthy choices wherever I can, I still am not eating quite as healthy as I would be if I were cooking, so it makes sense if I'm a little up. Also, I haven't been getting as much water in (by any means), so I'm bloated on top of it.

Back to the good news: seeing those numbers on the scale (even though I doubted them) gave me a glance into the near future for me, and I am very motivated to hit those numbers when I return! Watch out, gym, here I come!



Alison... said...

Sorry the numbers were up but you're doing great, you will hit the 100 mark before you know it

Anonymous said...

You have the right spirit and the right attitude. Even if there is a small spike, your numbers will continue to go down. Keep it up!!

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