Monday, November 9, 2009

Someone has a case of the Mondays


I almost didn't blog this morning because I'm so tired.  It was funny reading Alison's and TJ's blogs because they said the exact same thing.  I have no reason to be tired at all.  I was in bed early, I had a fairly relaxing day yesterday, I'm not sick (that I know of - LOL), but I'm super duper tired.

I have to give a 90 minute presentation today, and I can't possibly imagine moving my mouth that long.  I can't even open it right now.

I had a good weekend.  We had a great workout on Saturday.  I didn't eat great yesterday, but it was my naughty day.  I don't think those help, but since I'm not losing, I can't imagine they hurt either.

Tonight I'm going out for dinner with a coworker, and I'm not sure where we are going to eat.  I want to have something healthy, and that's always a challenge at a restaurant.  I don't know where we are going yet, so I can't plan for my healthy choice yet.

I'm going to crack open a diet coke because I feel like I'm seriously about to nod off.  :)


Alison... said...

Everyone at my work is very tired today too... I don't know what is up w/ that.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the time change is catching up with us all