Friday, November 6, 2009


Do you remember Lunchables? They are this Kraft "food" that came out when I was a kid - mainly designed for lazy parents who don't see serving overly processed, high in saturated fat and sodium foods to their kids as the child abuse that it is...

When I was a kid, they didn't have many combinations, mainly just ham, cheese and crackers that you assemble into mini sandwiches. Now they have tons of different options.

I mention this because, I'm sad to say, I just consumed one for breakfast. It was utterly disgusting. I didn't bring any food with me today because I'm meeting people for a business lunch, and it's cereal vending machine day, which I look forward to. LOL

For some reason, the vending machine was out of cereal. My choices were ramen noodles, a blueberry muffin, a sub, egg salad sandwich, or ravioli. The blueberry muffin would have probably been better from a saturated fat and sodium standpoint, but there are a lot more calories, so I chose the least of many evils.

It's sitting in my stomach like a brick right now. Ew. I hate unhealthy food. From now on, I'll need to bring some back up breakfast options in case they are out of cereal again. What a shame. :)

Of course I was up some weight today, but at least I got to enjoy yesterday. Tonight we are swimming, tomorrow we have kickboxing, and Sunday (depending on my knee and the weather), I would like to go hiking.

We will keep plugging away...


Alison... said...

Make a mental note: Keep breakfast bars in your desk at work.

I can't even imagine that you ate a lunchable. You must have been very hungry / desperate.


Anonymous said...

We are so very different in our food choices. With the exception of the crackers, it is doubtful I would eat anything that comes i8n this box. If I were a parent, no doubt, my kids woiuld be eating this. I find it taxing popping open a can of fancy feast for my

Great job on staying active. You are really attacking the exercise component of your weight loss plan. Great work. Being healthy has more benefits than just weight loss, but, no doubt you will hit your goals soon.

Stephanie Carnes said...

My boys are deprived because they don't get Lunchables. Sometimes I give them a healthier version in their bento boxes - whole wheat crackers, cheese, pieces of ham or turkey.