Monday, November 16, 2009

My Big Phat Train to Nowhere

I haven't been eating great these past few days.  I am PMSing (still!), and we need to go grocery shopping (desperately), so we have been eating out a lot.  I haven't worked out in a week.  At first, it was because I hurt my back, but this weekend, I was so busy working around the house, I didn't have time.  I definitely burned a lot of calories, though!

I'm still down the 7 lbs I lost.  My weight fluctuates, and for lots of last week, I was up from there, but I've been back down to those 7 lbs lost for the last few days...which leads me to believe that if I was eating what I'm supposed to, I'd actually be down more...but who knows with my crazy weight fluctuation.

All this talk of food is making me hungry.  Haha.  Yesterday, Darcy and I went out to lunch.  I ordered a steak with mashed potatoes.  The food came out on an extra large plate, and it was honestly absurd.  I think I'll probably get about 5 meals out of it.  Seriously.  I wanted to scold them for having such large portion sizes, but I'm too fat to get away with that...LOL

We are renewing our membership with our trainer, but I'm not sure what the schedule will be now that Darcy is going back to work, and her schedule is evenings.  We can still do Saturday together, but we'll have to go separately during the week.  It's been a saving grace having her there, because every once in a while, I get a few seconds to catch my breath while the trainer is working with her.  When it's just one on one, I know I'm going to die!

Tonight I plan to go swimming, and I can't wait.


Anonymous said...

Your weekend sounds very productive. Now you know what it is like for Marcello and I working out in different shifts. I enjoy having him there with me, and, working out alone can be a bit boring.

5 meals out of a big was this thing??

Kristen said...

15 oz...but a lot of it was fat, so probably only 12 and 4 meals...

Alison... said...

It's always a struggle, isn't it? All we can do is keep at it. That's great that you're continuing with the trainer though, that will help so much in the long run.

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