Monday, November 23, 2009

...and here we go again...

I am somehow under the weather yet again.  I had the flu shot, so I'm not sure what's up with that.  I didn't have the H1N1 yet - I'm supposed to get that tomorrow, but they won't give it to me if I'm sick.  For work, I'm in the hospital all the time, constantly surrounded by germs.  I should probably wear a mask to work.  LOL

I'm hoping it's just a cold.  On Friday, I started to feel that weird feeling in my chest that I get before I get sick.  It's a little tight, a little bit like a burn, but that's about it.  By Saturday, I wasn't feeling great, and I was outside for hours, which probably didn't help.  We went out for dinner for Alison's birthday, and I had a hard time eating because I was feeling a little sick to my stomach.  Within a few hours, I was totally sick to my stomach, and I headed home.

Yesterady, I needed to work all day, but I found myself on the couch the entire time, achy, lethargic, and just feeling icky.  I didn't take my temperature, but I think I had a fever that broke in the middle of the night when I woke up drenched in sweat.

I feel a little better today than I did yesterday, but I'm just sneezy, with a tickle in my throat, a non-stop runny nose and puffy eyes and face filled with fluids.  Basically, I'm very attractive right now.  I have to be *very* careful monitoring my fever, because if I get a fever again, I cannot come into work.

Since I wasn't able to work yesterday, and with this being a holiday week, I am very behind, and I do not have time to be sick.  I'm going to think good thoughts, take vitamins, get lots of fluids, and hope this thing disappears very quickly!


Alison... said...

Sorry you're sick! I hope you start feeling better very soon since your parents are coming in soon- yikes.

Thank you again for the bday dinner and gifts...

Feel better.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you are not feeling well. I think there is some kind of 72 hour bug going around. I have heard many have it.

Take care of yourself

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