Thursday, July 30, 2009

Using Facebook for Good

As my dear friends know, I don't use facebook for social purposes. That's way too much personal information to put out there. Me? I just pour my heart out into 11 carefully crafted blogs. LOL

Anyway, I don't use facebook (other than for work), so all you facebook users, which is basically EVERYONE ELSE in the world, please do me a solid.

I want to get 100 responses to my healthy living habits survey. The responses are still trickling in, but I think I still need about 40 more to reach 100. Will you please post a link to my survey on your wall?

Come on, all the cool kids are doing it.

Here's the survey link:



Alison... said...

Just posted it on my FB page.

The surveys should come rolling in now!


Anonymous said...

I have 3 friends and you sent them all the original e-mail. I am,

Alison... said...

TJ - You're linked to 58 people on Facebook... post the link!