Monday, August 3, 2009

Determination needed

My knee is still not better, which greatly limits my opportunities to exercise. Even kayaking is dicey because I could hurt it getting in and out of the kayak that's so low to the ground. Whenever I can't exercise, I always get a little more apathetic about eating. I need to find a way around that, but in the mean time, I'm going to try to continue to eat healthy while my knee heals.

To motivate me, I have downloaded some pictures of some very physically fit celebs that I love, such as Ryan Reynolds (above) and LL Cool J. :) I know I will neeeeever have those abs, but even the pursuit of those abs will take me to a much better place than I am now.

I like Ryan especially because he used to be such a scrawny guy, and now he's totally ripped. I think it's an awesome transformation. When I see people in crazy good shape, it motivates me, so let's hope it works!


lanie said...

Yummy! LOL!

Kristen said...


Isn't he a cutie? Love that Ryan Reynolds...

Alison... said...

6 pack abs don't do anything for me [I would rather see a perfectly flat, non ripply stomach but that's just me]... but I can see how these pictures would motivate you to get in better shape.
