Thursday, May 29, 2008
Bad hair day

Fun with Nutrition!

Goodbye Apple
I'm talking about my dear Granny. Granny Smith.
I read on one of my band boards last week that apples are not very band friendly. The skin gets caught. Today I forgot to bring my breakfast to work, and I was really hungry, so I saw a pair of apples next to the refrigerator, and being the subtle bloak that I am, I approached the pairs owner, and said, "So, I notice you have *two* apples!"
"Do you want one?" she laughed.
"Well were you planning on eating *two* apples today?" I inquired.
"No, I forgot I already had one here - have it!!"
I did.
[Disclaimer: For those of you reading my blog who do not know me (and God bless you for finding this somehow interesting - my own Mother reads this in place of taking her ambien), I must explain that I'm really not one of *those* people. I'm not a mooch. I don't like free things. I am not cheap. I don't usually approach my coworkers begging for food, the way my cat greets all of my guests. The apple asking incident was one that occurred with a dear friend of mine, who still somehow, finds me charming and amusing. This was all in good fun.]
I crunched into the apple, and the first bite went down. Silly bandsters...I thought to myself...
I took a second bite, and it felt a little weird. I ignored it.
Third time's a charm they say... by the third bite I was making my way to the bathroom to spit it up.
It's the skin. The rest is fine, but when on earth would I have time to skin an apple?! There are plenty of other fruits that I love. I'm sorry, dear apple, but you just don't have what it takes to be the next American Id... Oh, sorry, I dozed off.
Anyway, out with the apple, in with the watermelon! Welcome summer!!
Don't forget your vitamins!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Is that really you?

Is that you?
Someone who I have worked with for about 3 and a half years, who I see just about every week, did not recognize me today. I just spent the entire day with him two weeks ago, so it's not like he hasn't seen me much.
I called down the hall to say hi to him, and he paused and then said hi. A few minutes later, I walked by his office, and he called me in to tell me that he had no idea who I was when he saw me earlier.
He had noticed I'd been losing weight, but he couldn't believe the difference today! (I once again had a suit on that fit me.) He asked me how much I'd lost total, and I told him 125, and he was shocked.
People I work with know me as a work horse, putting everything in my life behind work. My first few years here, I worked constantly and never took time for my health. I had to drastically change my lifestyle to put my health first, as I've shared before, and that is the message I tell everyone who wants to know how I did this, and that is what I shared with him.
Cupcake Island

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Tummy ache!

I read online that rapid weight loss can cause a gallbladder attack, as well as not taking in enough calories. I'm not sure if my weight loss classifies as rapid for this purpose, and I'm not sure if I'm taking in a low enough amount of calories to generate an attack, but I plan to ask my MD. Lately, I've been averaging about 650 calories per day. I really need to make an effort to get that number to 1000.
Friday, May 23, 2008

She shared with me that people treated her differently, in the workplace and in social settings. She is brilliant and well accomplished, yet while she was overweight, people did not listen to her in meetings, and she was often looked over for promotions that she well deserved. As soon as she lost weight, that all changed. Suddenly, her voice was heard, she was respected and promoted over and over.
In her home life, women she knew who ignored her for years were suddenly inviting her to social events that she was never invited to in the past. She was the same person, only smaller and healthier. It was really troubling for her that the world was so clearly discriminating against her when she was overweight.
I've had a different journey, yet I've noticed my own changes. As I've mentioned before, some people I work with seem to be warmer to me now. I don't know if it's because I have let some walls down or if they can identify with me more now because I'm smaller than I was, but it's definitely different.
I think I'm more outgoing than I was before, and I didn't even realize that was possible. I've always been confident, but now, I have even more confidence. When I had a speaking engagement recently, I was not the slightest bit nervous, even though I wasn't sure of exactly what I was speaking about until I got there.
I don't think my weight held me back in my career, probably because of my confidence and the way I presented myself, but as I climb the career ladder, being healthy and looking good will only help me.
Darcy is having a hard time with all of this. She loved me just the way I was before I started losing weight, and I keep changing. She doesn't recognize me, and she misses the Kristen she knew for years before. Once she gets used to a version of a new me, I lose more weight and change again, and once again, she doesn't recognize the person in front of her.
The other day, she reached over to rub my arm, and she started crying because she said it felt like a completely different person, and it's a huge adjustment for her. Not only is my body changing, but my habits are changing too. The person who would talk her into lazy weekend days where we'd do nothing but watch 10 movies and order in 3 fattening meals to just veg out all day is gone. Now she's stuck with someone who is constantly dragging her outside to go hiking or biking or kayaking, etc...
It's not that she doesn't like doing those things, she does! I think part of her, however, feels like she has to do those things, or else I will find someone else to do those things with, and then it's even less time I spend with her. She's doing an awesome job of being active with me, and we're having a blast.
I know she'll get used to the new me, when I finally get there, but for now, it's hard for her, and she misses me.
Somebody call a Waaahmbulance!

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Finally a suit that fits me!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Kristen, you are glowing!

I visited one of our hospitals today that I hadn't been to in a while. Everyone I saw commented on how much weight I lost and how great I looked. It was very nice! Mental note: visit them more often!
One of the members of my team couldn't get over how different I looked, and he said my whole persona has changed, and I appear to be glowing. Then he asked me if I was PREGNANT! First of all, someone trying to lose weight does not wish to appear pregnant. Second, he knows very well I would not be in a position to be pregnant, and what a joke that is knowing how un-maternal I am. Not to mention, boys are gross. ;) He was kidding, and I know he was saying it as a reference to the glow, not because I actually looked pregnant.
One of the reasons I got so many comments today was because I'm wearing an outfit that actually fits me. Well, D said the jacket is too big, but it's not drowning me like everything else. I can't wait to be at goal and be able to finally invest in clothes that look good on me. That will be nice!
Until then, I'm shopping at Walmart and any other cheap place to get me through. This past weekend I bought 3 shirts at LL Bean for $10! That's what I need - disposable clothing!
Truth be told

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Support Groups

Prior to surgery, the support group meetings were helpful. I learned something each time, even if it was just one or two things. After surgery, I didn't feel like I was learning much. Most of the questions were from pre-op patients, and they were the same questions, month after month. My MD started saying that unless you only wanted to lose 40-60 lbs, the lap band wasn't for you. That was frustrating for me to hear since I didn't believe it, and I'd already had the surgery with much more to lose than that, so I stopped going. I know he is a big proponent of gastric bypass over the band, but that doesn't mean I like to hear about it. :)
For the past few months, they have split up the pre-op group from the post-op group for the first part of the meeting, and I like that format better. I went to one of the meetings, and it was nice to be surrounded with people going through the same things I was going through. I was taken aback, however, at how gentle the advice was. I'm used to my online support groups that are full of tough love, and not too much tiptoeing around!
The cons of going tonight are: I have so much work to do, and I'll have to leave work earlier than planned, it will cut into my workout, I will have to find something to eat out which is never that fun/easy, I will have to drive close to Boston to get there and home to NH from there, which is not appealing with gas prices as they are and time as it is.
The pros of going are: I have made positive changes in my life, and I'm having great progress with the band, so I can probably help motivate people who are struggling. Also, I really like my MD, and I feel slightly guilty when I don't go. Who knows - I may even learn something!
I'm kind of leaning toward going, and I'm not sure why. I really wish I had planned ahead so that I could have had gym clothes and dinner with me. We shall see...
The bloat is back

Yesterday was a busy day for work, and I finished up around 7:30 last night, and then headed to the gym. I got home around 9, and we watched TV. For some reason, I had trouble falling asleep (often happens when I work out too late), so I woke up a bit tired today. I can't tell if I'm tired from having trouble sleeping or because of the allergies that are terrible right now.
Tonight after work I'm going hiking after work and possibly kayaking. Hopefully I'll have a good tale from the scale for y'all tomorrow!
Monday, May 19, 2008
The kitty lap band

Light done Right? Not quite!

It's the new Jan Brady!

Friday, May 16, 2008
Kristen, is that you?
I was walking down the hallway at work today, and someone I work with, who I don't see often, called after me, "Kristen, is that you?!" She said she couldn't believe how trim I was getting! I don't know that I would use the word "trim," but I'll take the compliment!
I'm a boating fool

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Rock Rimmon

I have a coat tied around my waist. It's not all pudge. ;-)

The top of the summit is cool. On one side, you can see almost all of Manchester, and on the other side, it's all mountains.
You couldn't tip it if you tried!

Yesterday I went out in their kayak, and it did feel tippy, but I got the hang of it quickly, and I was fine. I was trying to convince D to give it a try, but she was afraid because it was tippy. I remembered the advice from our friends the other night, so to prove the point, I started rocking the kayak from side to side, yelling to shore, "You can't tip it if you tri----"
Famous last words.
Before I got the word "tried" out, I had managed to dump myself into a big sea of milfoil (an exotic plant species that is overtaking our waterbody, but don't worry, I'm on it), fully clothed, jeans, hat, shoes and all! It was hilarious, and I was trying to laugh, but I took in some water into my mouth, and I think my body was shocked from the cold water, so I couldn't get any words out.
Poor Darcy went from laughing hysterically to worrying for my life because I couldn't speak, and she couldn't see me behind the kayak. It was hilarious, but YES, you can certainly tip it if you try.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Active Day!

I'm sorry, was there something wrong with your Omelet?

When she brought the bill over, she said "I'm sorry! Was there something wrong with your omelet? You didn't eat any of it." I told her I actually did eat some of it, but it was really big, and I couldn't eat all of it because I can't eat much. I almost told her that I had surgery, but I decided against boring her with my life story.
I can't get over restaurant portions, though. They are ridiculous! I really wish places served half portions, but alas, that is rare. For now, I'll continue to hide my leftovers under my napkin, hoping that the waitress doesn't peak before tossing it out!
The Pre-fill dilemma
I know I shouldn't think this way - like I have to get in something good before this boringness, but I do. I really do eat to fuel my body, but I try to enjoy eating still. Why wouldn't I? So yes, I do still enjoy eating, and usually I like to enjoy things that are very healthy. From time to time, though, I want to enjoy something that's not healthy. I think that's okay, as long as it's in moderation, and if it makes me feel like junk the way the popcorn did, I don't want it anymore. Even better.
I'm sure I'll come up with some way to have a yummy meal today that's not bad for me. Perhaps sushi!

The Great Estimator

Saturday, May 10, 2008
Half the man I used to be

I'm not half the person I was quite yet, but I did fit into half of my pants!
I'm going through all my clothes (again) to get rid of things that are too big for me, and I found a pair of pants that I used to wear before I started losing weight. I couldn't believe how big they were!
You always see those before and after pictures of people fitting into one leg of their before pants, so I decided to try it, and it worked! I'm no where near goal, but I'm already fitting into one side of my before pants. Cool!
I'll post a pic of this phenomenon eventually. I already put them away, and I'm in the middle of a lot of things, but I will show you. It's a riot.

Friday, May 9, 2008
The Best Workouts Ever!

Plugging away

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Another crazy week

I started working yesterday AM at 6, and I got home from work at 8. In all fairness, I stopped for a fairly quick bite to eat with D on my way home from work, but I still had to work another hour when I got home. My allergies were terrible on top of it, so I felt like junk.
I just took a Claritan today (which I didn't even have time to do yesterday), and I'm hoping today will be a little better. It's raining - does that wash any of the pollen away? I sure hope so. I'm all set with it for now! I'm glad it's spring and all, but sheesh! ;)
Today is another busy day at work, as I am conducting a 2 hr training session tomorrow with one of my colleagues, and I still need to finish developing my materials. In addition, there are a million other projects I need to pay attention to as well. I'll get there. I am working out tonight, no matter what.
I was down another lb today, for a total of 119. I'm now 16 lbs away from losing Carmen!! For the past two months, I've averaged a 2.75 loss/week. I'm thrilled with those results, and I'll be okay if it slows down as well. I'll enjoy it while I can!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Home Stretch

Hence, the feeling of home strech-edness. :) I feel like the hardest part is done - I've changed my habits completely, quit the caffeine, found a way to hardwire exercise into my routine, changed my routine completely to incorporate healthy living, lost the majority of the weight I had to lose, and now I can just cruise along and get to the finish line.
I'm making it sound ridiculously easy, and I still have a good amount of weight to lose, clearly. I'm sure there will be days in the future when I think I'm crazy for writing this post, but hey, it's just how I feel today. Optimistic.
I'm not delusional. I plan to be at my goal weight (still not sure exactly what that is - we'll see) in February of 2009. I've been working on my weight loss since September, so I'm eight months into it, and I plan that it will be another 10 months until I'm done with the losing portion of this journey. So while I'm more than half way there weight wise, I'm not even half way there with the time I'm planning it to take me, but that is okay.
The more I lose, the better I feel and the more fun I have with this journey. I feel more energized all the time, and I find new things I can do. Those are only going to increase as I lose, so in September, when I'm hopefully down another 30 - 35 lbs, I'll still have a ways to go, but imagine how much better I'll feel with an additional 30-35 lbs gone for good!
At that point, I'll weigh less than I've weighed in a decade. That will be pretty cool.
Have you seen my iPod?

I'm thinking that somehow in my rush, I put it somewhere else, but I have no idea where. I called the gym, and it wasn't there, but I really think it's at my house somewhere. This weekend, I need to do a THOROUGH cleaning of my upstairs, and I'm hoping I will uncover it in the process. In the mean time, D has been nice enough to share hers with me. Thank God!
Okay, on a happier note, I was down 3 lbs today, to a total of 118. I'm hoping to lose 2 more by next Tuesday when I get a fill! Either way, I was glad to see the scale move. It's just so strange how lately I've shifted from a couple lbs/week to 5-7 lbs one week, and nothing the next. Strange....but again, as long as it's moving in the right direction, I'm not complaining.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Cinco De Mayo!

Yesterday, we went over Jimmy's for Cinco De Mayo. What a spread! Jimmy made his famous homemade guacamole and tacos, Lanie and Billy brought chicken and steak quesadillas and chili and Steph and Carolyn brought loaded nachos. For all that food, the peeps did a good job making a dent in it!
I actually didn't eat. Originally, when it was all put out, I wasn't hungry (even though I had the hungry horrors yesterday morning), and by the time I started to feel slightly hungry, it was all put away and too late to eat anyway. Nothing was overly healthy, so that's part of the reason I wasn't inclined to eat anything.
I ate 578 calories yesterday, and I STILL wasn't down anything today. I have a feeling that tomorrow will be my day, though!
***thinking good thoughts***
Can we really call it water if it's as bad as soda?
Monday, May 5, 2008
What is going on?

I wish I could recycle my spare tire

As I lose weight and exercise, my body is shrinking significantly. From my hips to my feet, I'm doing pretty okay. Soon I will be down 10 men's pant sizes. By soon, I mean as soon as I get to the store...I think. My shoulders are getting more narrow by the day, but I have this terrible spare tire around my waist (or what is supposed to be a waist) that is not shrinking with the gusto and enthusiasm as the rest of my body.
I do 90 lb resistant ab crunches 5 times/week, as well as 130 lbs on my obliques. I have recently learned that ab exercises will definitely strengthen your abs, but they will not necessarily make you lose the fat that's above them. Huh? Why?! For many women, the abdominal area is the last place they lose. Now, to be fair, I have lost a ton of weight in my abdominal area, and what is now my spare car tire used to be a spare monster truck tire. I'm making progress, and that's all I can hope for.
In the mean time, I need to step up my cardio, and I think that will help. I'm fantastic about strength training, but I've been skipping cardio more than I should, hoping that I can just start kayaking, but I haven't yet, so I need to force myself to get in more cardio in the mean time. That will help burn more fat, as I continue to build muscle and lose weight by eating healthy.
I'll keep you posted!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Dog Tired

Anyway, I'm going to be in bed early tonight - hopefully around 10PM. I have a very busy work day ahead of me, and I need to be fresh. I hate not being 100% because there are so many things I'd like to accomplish today, but I just want to flop on my couch and watch tv. However, I haven't given into that urge quite yet.
We went out for breakfast with Lanie, Ali, Steph and Carolyn, and then I came back and started to prepare food for the cookout this afternoon (we are thanking Bruno, Billy and Jimmy for helping us out in a BIG way yesterday cutting down a tree, trimming another one, as well as our bushes, and fixing our deck! T*H*A*N*K Y*O*U!!!), so I got the asparagus and potatoes done, and then did a little house cleaning, and now I'm in the middle of yardwork, but I decided to update you, dear reader.
I know, I know, you couldn't possibly miss out on this thrilling play by play of my boring day. I had my usual at breakfast: 2 eggs over easy with 1 slice of toasted rye bread sans butter. I don't need butter because of the yoke. We also had poutine, a French Canadian novelty, consisting of fries, brown gravy and squeeky cheese. It's ridiculously good (whether you think it sounds it or not, but it is), and ridiculously fattening. I had my usual 1-2 fries out of it, which is just enough to enjoy it without succumbing to the high fat/calorie content. I know it doesn't look appealing in the picture below, but that's what it looks like, and it doesn't apologize for it.

Today I made twice baked potatoes (kind of) to serve with the filet mignon and rib eye's we're having later. I didn't make them low fat. Well, I used light sour cream and reduced fat cheese, but I also used 2 sticks of butter. I had a bite - YUM! I won't be eating those later - only serving them. If I fatten up the people around me, I may appear smaller.
That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Bariatric Surgery

Hurry up and Weight
I lost nothing 3 weeks ago, then 7 lbs last week, followed by nothing (so far) this week. This week, the scale has been very strange. Some days I'm up 5 lbs, and then the next day I'm at my lowest again. Yesterday I was at my lowest, today I'm up 4. I know I'm not really up 4 lbs, but the scale says I am. I'm not a fan of not losing *and* being up 4 lbs...not a fan at all...
I know that I'm averaging a 2-3 lb loss per week, which is double what I "should" be losing at this point with the band, so I have nothing to complain or worry about. If it bothers me that much, I shouldn't weigh myself every day, but it's okay...it doesn't bother me that much. Daily weighing keeps me on track. When I'm down, I want to stay down, so it motivates me. When I'm up, I want to get back down, so that motivates me too. I just really prefer when it's down. Can you blame me?
I think this strange weight loss pattern has to do with my strength training. I keep going up on the weights at the gym, and it takes a bit for my body to adjust to that, so then I have a big loss, and then I up my weights again, and my body adjusts again. I may be wrong, for all I know, but I may be right. ;-)
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Cloud 9

Stuff fat people like
Stuff Fat People Like

- Free cone day at Ben and Jerry's!
- Slip on shoes
- Tables, not booths!
- Delivery
- Moving Walkways
- Skinny mirrors
- Cats
- Elastic waist pants (meow)
- Comfortable shoes
- Online shopping
- Peapod
- Close parking spaces
- MDs who mind their own business
- Sitcoms
What else? Post your suggestions! This is not nearly as funny as Stuff White People Like! Help!