I should know better than to purchase a workout video at Marshalls for $4.99. Not only is the DVD defective, the instructor is like Rachel Ray meets Paula Abdul. It's not a pretty combo. She's about 42, but wants to be 22, and I'm actually cringing in embarassment for her.
I can't even dance along with the video because I feel to old to be doing these silly dance moves - not only that - they are like fresh out of 1996, but the DVD just came out this year. Again, no wonder it was $4.99!
Back to the belly for me! (Belly dancing, that is...) ;-)
Interestingly, I've decided I must secretly want to be a dancer. I keep buying dance related work out DVDs. It's probably because I experienced the profound loss of not being able to dance growing up. My parents thought dancing was evil. I know they'll deny it because they have revisionist memories, as I do, but Mom - it's true!!
Poor mini-me would sit in her room practicing first, second, third and forth position, bootlegging instructions from all my friends who actually took ballet. I would go to their shows and watch in awe of their totally rad dance moves (hey - it was 1986). All my friends took ballet, tap and jazz, but not me. I used to point my toes as curved as I could to form the ballet arch in my foot, and I was good at that! (I wonder if that's the root of my charlie horses today? My parents are right! Dancing IS evil!)
I went to a school that didn't allow dancing either. There was no prom, but instead, there was a Junior/Senior banquet. Gag! Even if I hadn't been suspended and not allowed to go, I wouldn't have gone. ;-)
But alas, I think I'm discovering that deep down I want to dance...probably because I wasn't allowed. See - that's what you get!! I suppose there could be worse things to want to do, so dance I shall!
Dance,Dance,Dance! You go girl! Dancing is GOOD for the soul! And great for the scale! P.S. congrats on another 2! P.S.S. You are so funny...bet you could be a writer!!
Thanks, Lanie!!! :)
It's never too late! You could totally take some ballet classes at a local dance studio. You know...don't aim too high, just start with the 5 year olds and work you way up through the ranks, no one will think it odd...
LOL - can you imagine me in a tutu with a group of 5 year olds? why am i picturing chris farley??? ;0)
In all the years I have known you, I have RARELY seen you dance. Glad that you're into this now, even it if it's for fittness. One of these days I'm going to do a dance tape with you... ya I will
Come on up! Let's do one right now!!!
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