As I lose weight and exercise, my body is shrinking significantly. From my hips to my feet, I'm doing pretty okay. Soon I will be down 10 men's pant sizes. By soon, I mean as soon as I get to the store...I think. My shoulders are getting more narrow by the day, but I have this terrible spare tire around my waist (or what is supposed to be a waist) that is not shrinking with the gusto and enthusiasm as the rest of my body.
I do 90 lb resistant ab crunches 5 times/week, as well as 130 lbs on my obliques. I have recently learned that ab exercises will definitely strengthen your abs, but they will not necessarily make you lose the fat that's above them. Huh? Why?! For many women, the abdominal area is the last place they lose. Now, to be fair, I have lost a ton of weight in my abdominal area, and what is now my spare car tire used to be a spare monster truck tire. I'm making progress, and that's all I can hope for.
In the mean time, I need to step up my cardio, and I think that will help. I'm fantastic about strength training, but I've been skipping cardio more than I should, hoping that I can just start kayaking, but I haven't yet, so I need to force myself to get in more cardio in the mean time. That will help burn more fat, as I continue to build muscle and lose weight by eating healthy.
I'll keep you posted!
honestly, your stomach seems to be the only place left that you even have any weight!
but yes, I think cardio will help a lot.
You'll have a wash board stomach by August
Yeah - LOL - that'll be the day. I'm not aiming for a washboard stomach, just health!
I told you, you must do the "march to nowhere" get a good book and settle in for a 45 minute march.
#1... it is utterly impossible to be down so many pants sizes without losing some inches in the tummy!#2 You are you're worst own critic even if that sounds like an oxymoron! #3 I'll do the weights with you...you do the"hill" with me.It's not so fun now, but it could be in no time!(and i need muscle mass for this poor excuse of a metabolism!)
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