I'm psychotically good at estimating things... I'm not sure why, but I think I inherited it from both of my parents. My dad is the same way as me, and my mom has always been able to guess the time within a few minutes of the actual time - even when we've been gone all day without any clocks around.
This comes in handy for me, because I like to measure all my food to keep track of it on fitday. I bought a scale that's great to have, but I only use it once or twice/week - just to make sure I'm still guestimating properly. Last Sunday, I cut a piece of filet mignon, and I was trying to cut a 3 oz piece. I put my slice on the scale, and it was *exactly* 3.00 oz.
My friend Lisa says I should find a way to make money out of my great estimation skills. I think there are jobs for people like me in the circus.

You had to pick today's entry to put pictures of food on there... the day that I start my liquid diet!
Thanks buddy.
If your looking for a good cardio workout...I'm telling ya...that hill on the way to the courts will definetly do it!!!
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