Yesterday I went out in their kayak, and it did feel tippy, but I got the hang of it quickly, and I was fine. I was trying to convince D to give it a try, but she was afraid because it was tippy. I remembered the advice from our friends the other night, so to prove the point, I started rocking the kayak from side to side, yelling to shore, "You can't tip it if you tri----"
Famous last words.
Before I got the word "tried" out, I had managed to dump myself into a big sea of milfoil (an exotic plant species that is overtaking our waterbody, but don't worry, I'm on it), fully clothed, jeans, hat, shoes and all! It was hilarious, and I was trying to laugh, but I took in some water into my mouth, and I think my body was shocked from the cold water, so I couldn't get any words out.
Poor Darcy went from laughing hysterically to worrying for my life because I couldn't speak, and she couldn't see me behind the kayak. It was hilarious, but YES, you can certainly tip it if you try.
Boy you give active a whole new meaning...lol
as hercules once said, 'don't know my own strength'
Thanks! Had a good cry...from laughing!LOL!!!
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