Salad dressing is just one of those things that *they* can't get right making a lower fat version. I prefer the low fat version of most things, but salad dressing is just gross. I'm going to be honest here. Normally, I'm an advocate for lower fat/calorie items, but they just can't do light right. Kraft has the "light done right" salad dressings, and Wishbone as the "Just 2 good" ones. Sorry. Just 2 gross for me.
I love salad. If I had to pick one meal I would have for the rest of my life (prepared differently of course), I would pick salad. I know it doesn't have a ton of nutritional value, but it's certainly not bad for me, and I enjoy it, so I eat it! Often. I usually have grilled chicken salad. The place I order from puts on way too much chicken, and not enough lettuce and cukes. I think next time I order I'll ask for half the chicken and double the veggies. I digress.
I don't mind the salad dressing sprays. Those are great and very low cal. I'm all for those because even if you don't get the light ones, if you only use 30 sprays for one salad, it's only 30 calories. You can't go wrong. Every once in a while, though, I have a craving for ranch dressing, and I end up eating the full fat version. It's like 150 calories for one serving. What a waste, but I suppose if you're eating 400 calories per day, it's not that bad in the grand scheme of things. It's certainly a waste of calories, and I don't like to waste calories.
This morning I had a grilled chicken salad for breakfast, and I used Ken's light Ranch. It was gross. I would have rather had the salad plain.
Dear Salad Dressing Makers,
Please work on this.
My spare tire thanks you.
i'm surprised that you, of all people, thinks low fat dressing is gross, you don't think anything's gross. I actually don't mind low fat [fat free is gross] and I like the Ken's low fat ranch. I also like Ken's low fat Italian. I have never tried the spray but maybe I will...
But yes, when you can't seem to be able to consume 1000 calories a day, I would say go for the full fat, it's fine, you enjoy it and you still stay under your calories what's the problem?
well, fat isn't good for me, and i should get fat from good natural sources, but if i want to have full fat dressing twice/month, i'm sure i'll live. i love ken's regular ranch, but the low fat has a different flavor, like they've added extra spices to compensate for the missing fat. ga-ross.
It won't kill ya... you eat healthy all the time so some [unatural] fat in your salad is OK, don't you think?
Obsessed and anorexic=KC
I always loved Karen Carpenter.
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