Anyway, I'm going to be in bed early tonight - hopefully around 10PM. I have a very busy work day ahead of me, and I need to be fresh. I hate not being 100% because there are so many things I'd like to accomplish today, but I just want to flop on my couch and watch tv. However, I haven't given into that urge quite yet.
We went out for breakfast with Lanie, Ali, Steph and Carolyn, and then I came back and started to prepare food for the cookout this afternoon (we are thanking Bruno, Billy and Jimmy for helping us out in a BIG way yesterday cutting down a tree, trimming another one, as well as our bushes, and fixing our deck! T*H*A*N*K Y*O*U!!!), so I got the asparagus and potatoes done, and then did a little house cleaning, and now I'm in the middle of yardwork, but I decided to update you, dear reader.
I know, I know, you couldn't possibly miss out on this thrilling play by play of my boring day. I had my usual at breakfast: 2 eggs over easy with 1 slice of toasted rye bread sans butter. I don't need butter because of the yoke. We also had poutine, a French Canadian novelty, consisting of fries, brown gravy and squeeky cheese. It's ridiculously good (whether you think it sounds it or not, but it is), and ridiculously fattening. I had my usual 1-2 fries out of it, which is just enough to enjoy it without succumbing to the high fat/calorie content. I know it doesn't look appealing in the picture below, but that's what it looks like, and it doesn't apologize for it.

Today I made twice baked potatoes (kind of) to serve with the filet mignon and rib eye's we're having later. I didn't make them low fat. Well, I used light sour cream and reduced fat cheese, but I also used 2 sticks of butter. I had a bite - YUM! I won't be eating those later - only serving them. If I fatten up the people around me, I may appear smaller.
That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!
I am definitely going to have to take your word for it on the old fry dish. I mean don't get me wrong, I LOVE fries probably more than any other junk food, but that picture looks like cat barf! LOL! yummy!
Carmen I thought the fries wouldn't be good either, they sounded awful but it's so delish!
KC - Sticking to your story and sticking to healthy eating - good job. Sorry I missed the cook out, how'd everything come out?
LOL - it's funny how gross the picture looks, isn't it?! You're better off not trying them, C, because you may get addicted like the Darce has... Ali - the food came out great. Lanie said my potatoes were the best she'd ever had in her life. Yay me!
They were the BEST!!! I'm probally up 5lbs but believe me , these were worth every bite and every lbs! Not so sure about the cat barf! It is very tasty in a bizzare sort of way...but not really worth it! Much Better off getting an invite to the house up the road!!!!!
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